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In accordance with the Italian Privacy Law Nr. 196/03, all your personal data and information will be entered into our database and strictly used and processed for our corporate business activities.
In accordance with the Article 7 of the a.m. law, thirds may request to change or cancel their data from our database at any time by simply notifying info@rossellisnc.com

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Legislative Decree N. 196 dated 30th June, 2003, called “Code for the Protection of Personal Data” (hereafter called “Code”) provides for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the
processing of personal data.
Off Mecc Rosselli Snc, in its capacity as Data Controller uses the site as a means for providing
information about its services and also as an instrument for collecting personal data.
In compliance with the above mentioned legislation, the processing of such data shall follow the
principles of correctness, lawfulness and transparency and the protection of privacy and rights of the
website Visitor.
The Data Controller may use this data in aggregate and anonymous form for statistical analysis on
website access. Such data will not, however, be disclosed to third parties, nor will it be divulged.
With regard to e-mail messages, the Data Controller will proceed in compliance with the code, to
collect personal data (including e-mail addresses) submitted voluntarily, handling its subsequent
filing for purposes compliant with the interactions expressed by the Visitor and for the time required
to monitor and evaluate the information provided, for the exchange of information or contacts.
Processing will concern ordinary data only. The presence of any data classified as “sensitive” (under
art. 4 of the Code) will imply the immediate destruction of the relative message, announcement or
communication provided by the Visitor.
The data collected in special sections of the site may be communicated to other subjects in order to
fulfil any requests. In such cases, consent will always be required, which may be provided on-line by
filling in the appropriate box.
The Data Controller is Off. Mecc. Rosselli Snc with registered office in via Boccaccio, 2
42024 Castelnovo di Sotto (RE); Tel. (+39) 0522 682184 – Fax (+39) 0522 688095
The Visitor, who sends personal information via the special sections on the site and/or Data
Controller’s e-mail addresses, may at any time exercise his rights against the Data Controller,
pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree N. 196/2003, which is reproduced in full for clarity.
Legislative n. 196/2003, Art.7
Right of access to personal data and other rights
The concerned party has the right to obtain confirmation of whether or not personal data concerning
him exists, even if it has not yet been recorded, and its relative communication in intelligible form.
The concerned party has the right to obtain the following information:
a) the origin of the personal data;
b) the purposes and methods of the data processing;
c) of the logic applied in the event of data processing performed with the use of electronic
d) the identity of the Data Controller, Data Processor and the representative appointed under article
5, paragraph 2;
e) of the subjects or categories of persons to whom the data may be communicated or who can learn
about it in their capacity of appointed representatives on national territory, superintendents or
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